Wednesday, 26 November 2014

preliminary exercise


Our brief was to film an edit a character opening a door, crossing the room and sitting down opposite another character and they both will exchange some dialogue. In this exercise, we had to use the techniques shot/reverse shot, 180 degree rule and match on action. Our clip, was about to girls having a conversation with enigma codes being thrown around to create suspicion so nobody truly or fully understands what the situation is about. The script we made was very useful because we was able to clearly read our lines and use it in the final product. It also helped us to portray what facial expressions and body language to use when saying a line. Our storyboard was some what useful as it helped create a vivid image of what actions we would make in our final product. With the shot list, we was able to know what camera shots were next and how and where we should place the camera which was incredibly useful. However, in terms of pre-production, I think we would have to design a better story board as it was not used much. Also I would make the shot list more clear for us to read. These two things were in issue in making the final product. 


One of our strengths was editing. We had quite a lot of editing techniques in our final production from embedding sound to the clip to purposely slowing down parts of our clip to changing the colour to black and white in some parts. This was greatly effective as the usage of black and white can help extinguish who the antagonist as they would look quite daunting and mysterious due to the low lighting. Also the sound helps exaggerate the mood of the clip more clearly because if it is a slow pace song, as we used, then instantly the audience will recognise the clip as a clip with suspense. That would be using parallel sounds. We also attempted to use camera angles quite effectively. We had a low angle shot on one character which conveys that this character has power and had more authority compared to the other character. The high angle shot used on the other character depicts that this character was looked down on and seemed weak. We followed the brief and used the 180-rule throughout the exercise. Shot/reverse shot was also used which aided in displaying character identification so as to show the audience what the character was feeling. We also used close up and extreme close up to make sure the audience notices the important part on that scene for example, we used an extreme close up on the paper at the end which quoted " I did it" This helps the audience  to understand that this paper is an important part to the clip but since no one knows what the character did enigma codes are clearly shown there. Following from that, throughout our whole clip we was able to use enigma very tactfully which is another thing that went well I our exercise. 


We had quite a few weaknesses in our production. For example, the camera work could have been presented much better because sometimes the camera was moving when it was suppose to be a still shot. Another thing is that the high angle shot that we used was not effective enough as you couldn't really tell it was a high angle shot. Also, we did not fully follow the brief as we did not have a part where someone opens the door. This is due to not having the brief with us while we are filming. In editing, we could have used transitions to make some scenes flow much better making the suspense in the atmosphere more intense. The timing of when the character should start acting was a bit on a confusion that could be slightly seen in our clip. Another weakness that could be different in our work for next time is to actually use the shot list. In between the filming we were continuously changing shots which is a risky because it may contradict with something that we had planned to do later on therefore next we will follow the planning we did unless the change is really vital. Lastly, the lighting could have been so much better as I some scenes the lighting would change and can confuse the audience so next time we need to consider how to keep the lighting the same.

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Film Language Test- Learner Response

WWW: Clear, concise analysis, incorporating keywords/theory
EBI: Try to develop points/responses more. Write an additional paragraph for mis en scene (actors?) and sound (dialogue?)
Learner Response: I need to go into more detail on each of my points made on every aspect.
Sound Question (re-write):
In this opening scene, the sound creates an effective atmosphere especially in specific times of the scene. Throughout the scene, there was a non-diegetic sound being played in the background as it was orchestral. Even though, it was non-diegetic, the sound was parallel to the scene because it helped emphasize the tension in the scene. It started off as slow haunting music as the two characters were briefly introduced to the scene which portrays the uneasiness between the two characters. It also helps foreshadow that a tragic event were to occur as the music went on. As soon as gunshots were fired the sound appeared to increase in volume which raised the emotional impact of the scene. Also as soon as the cigarette is dropped and the fire increases, the sound once again becomes loud which conveys that a dramatic event had occurred. However, at the very beginning of the scene, small sounds that appear to be quiet in real life, appeared louder. For example, the water drops and the sizzling sound of the fire was exaggerated in volume. Even when the villain was urinating, the sound seemed much more louder and heard. This suggests that the scene was so quiet and mysterious that little sound that usually cannot be heard became loud which increases the tension and could potentially bring out enigma codes as people would want to know why is it so quiet that water droplets can be heard. It also helps build up tension in the atmosphere as it clearly indicates to the audience that something or a specific event was going to occur. Another aspect which creates an effective atmosphere in the scene was the dialogue between the two characters. Both character speak very quietly, especially the antagonist who whispers his dialogue depicting a more suspicious character. Keaton, who is killed, speaks in a soft voice indicating weakness which goes well with his make-up as he is made to look like he has been beaten down. In a nutshell, the dialogue helps portray the characters in more depth, the sound in the background helped create tension in the scene and the exaggerated sounds aided in amplifying the tension to a great extent.

Sunday, 23 November 2014

Dependancy Theory

1) What do YOU primarily use the media for: entertainment or information? (Or something else?)
On a normal daily basis, I would use the media for entertainment which includes YouTube videos, TV and reading books. However, in occasions where I am doing research, I would use the media to find out information

2) To what extent do you feel we are dependent on the media?
To a great extent. We rely on the media, weather apps or websites, to inform us on the weather. We rely on the media to entertain us when we are bored and we even rely on the media to keep us updated on everyone's life on social networks.

3) Has our dependence on the media changed over the last 10 years? How?
It has changed a lot because we use media more in our lives compared to 10 years ago. Since media has increased in size, we become dependent on it as we feel like it is easier to check what the weather is like tomorrow instead of waking up in the morning and looking outside our window.

4) Read this Telegraph article – does this support Dependency theory? What is your personal opinion on this issue?
It supports the dependency theory as it explains that most young people have become so dependant on the internet, that they feel lost without it. Personally, its sad to see that this generation needs media to entertain themselves or to even live life!

Users and Gratification theory


Diversion: escape from everyday problems and routine-entertainment

X Factor is an example of diversion as it is an escape for people. They can watch after a hard day and forget about the stresses they may have. The show helps them, in a sense, escape from reality because they are following the progress of peoples lives in their singing career.

Personal Relationships: using the media for emotional and other interaction (e.g. developing affection for characters in TV)

In the series Game Of Thrones, you can develop affection for the characters as they are often portrayed in a way were you can relate to them. The more you watch and get to know the individual characters, the more you begin to develop feelings towards them. These types of personal relations are mostly aimed at teenagers. 

Personal Identity: finding ourselves reflected in texts or learning behaviour and values from the media. Reality TV or documentary (Educating Yorkshire) are good examples.

The movie series Step Up, is a good way for people to find themselves as young ones may become interested in dancing and teamwork due to watching the film

Surveillance: Information useful for living (e.g weather, traffic news, holiday bargains etc. )

The Accurate Weather app is an easy way for people to be able to retrieve information about what the weather will be like on a certain day.

2) The article links to te hypodermic needle model as it suggests that the violent games that are being played seem to make people seem more aggressive as they begin to see the world as a hostile place. It is as if the media is injecting the violent information from the video games into the players mind.

Sunday, 16 November 2014

Audience theory

1. Summarise the two step model.
The step model is a theory that suggest that people are more influenced by those (opinion leaders) who examine different types of media. In a nutshell, is insists that media does not have a powerful influence of our actions.

2.  In your opinion, is the two step flow theory still relevant today?
I think it is still relevant as people do follow and base their opinions on other media and things by the opinion leaders who are most likely to be celebrities or somewhat famous. This is why their are a lot of critic blogs where people for example, give their review and opinion about a particular film they have watched and would rate for the audience to see.

3. How does this YouTube blogger fit into the two step model?
This PC gaming critic gives his opinion about different types of gaming that he plays. As he has more than 1.8 million subscribers so what he reviews about a PC game can influence his subscribers hence why this youtuber fits into the two step model

4. How this Telegraph article on influential tweeters fit into the two step model?
it is suggesting that these celebrities are influential tweeters as what they say will influence the opinions of those who follow them which links to the two step model because people are basing their opinions on other media through these "opinion leaders" 

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Preliminary producation

Shot number
Long shot of the corridor

Medium shot of Alison with her hood up

Over the shoulder shot of Sophia walking towards Alison

Match on action shot of Sophia sitting down

Close up of Alison’s face

Close up of Sophia’s face

Medium shot of Sophia

Medium shot of  Alison after Sophia asks if she’s okay

180 degree shot of both Sophia and Alison

Extreme close up of scrunching up paper

Long shot of Alison throwing paper

Shot reverse shot of Sophia being confused – Sophia, paper ,Sophia

Extreme close up of Sophia picking up the paper

Low angle shot of Alison after she says if you know you know

High angle shot of Sophia

Wide shot of Alison walking off and Sophia there reading what’s on the paper

Extreme close up of the paper

Monday, 10 November 2014


Written by

Alison K, Sophia K, Sarika C

Act 1 Scene 1

Alison is sitting crossed leg on the table in a classroom with her hood up. Sophia walks across the classroom and sits opposite Alison on the table with her legs also crossed.

(tucks hair behind ear)
Are you okay?

(neutral face, ignores Sophia)

(examining her nails)
She didn’t mean it

I know she didn’t

Why are you upset though?

(scrunches up and throws paper to sophia)

(picks up paper and opens it with a confused look on her face)
What does this mean?

If you know (evil grin) you know

(worried look)
Alison, you’re scaring me

(Chuckles, whilst gets up and walks away)

(Confusingly re-reads the paper)

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Thursday, 6 November 2014


Who are you working with: Sophia

The psychographic group we are researching: Resigned

Their names: Alfred and Bertha Thomson

Where did they work/study; Bertha did a English Literature degree at University of Westminster and is now a retired teacher and Alfred didn't go university and is a retired plumber,

What do they do in their spare time: Bertha knits sweaters while her husband plays bingo with all the retired men.

Newspapers they read: The guardian and they both read it in paper form as they don't like digital devices.

Tv programmes they watch: Neighbours and The one show are their main favourites

Radio channel - BBC Classic

TV package- sky as Berthas children set it up for them

E-media - they are old fashioned so prefer to use newspapers or sky news on TV to keep up to date on news.